Feeding Support & Therapy
When you have a baby, you think it’s all going to come naturally - the bond, maternal instinct, breastfeeding, healing…
And when reality doesn’t match that expectation (wherever it came from) you feel like a failure.
I’m here to tell you that you’re NOT a failure. A FED BABY IS ALWAYS BEST.
If you want to continue breastfeeding, please know that we are not born with all of the knowledge, instincts, and wisdom to raise our children, and that’s why we need a community. To come around for support and to empower us.
Let us be part of your community.
KerryAnn had the pleasure of working in the NICU for many years. She worked closely with babies born with unexpected medical issues and helped their moms figure out how they were going to feed their babies - pump, formula, tube-fed, or a combination. She is also familiar with pre and post frenotomy. And she is continuing her mission to help you feel successful in feeding your baby.
Breastfeeding is hard. And doesn’t come naturally to all women (and many babies!).
There are complications you didn’t expect - birth trauma, lip tie, difficulty healing, latching issues, nipple soreness, thrush…it feels overwhelming when you’re adjusting to sleeplessness and a tiny human who is completely reliant on you for everything.
Does it HAVE to be this hard?
No. It does not. There is hope with Unity. We offer free advice every Wednesday at NOON. Check out our Baby and Me offerings below.